The Molecular Biology Laboratory is a part of ”Mihai Cristea” Vegetal Genetic Resources Bank in Suceava since 2020 and it comprises several professional equipment used to genetically characterize the genetic resources conserved into the Bank’s collections.
The main research directions focus on the phylogenetic and phylogeographic studies of the selected relevant crops to the Romanian agriculture preserved in the cold store. Furthermore, it is also important to analyze the effects of several abiotic stress factors (salt, drought, heat) on the modulation of genetic expression. For conducting these studies, the following techniques are to be performed:
- Nucleic acid isolation (DNA, RNA);
- Reverse transcription;
- Real-time-PCR;
- DNA Barcoding;
- Agarose gel electrophoresis.
At this moment, research activities are also extended in order to fulfil the objectives set in the following PhD theses:
- 1. Assessment of genetic diversity and water stress resistance of Phaseolus vulgaris varieties found in the collection of Vegetal Genetic Resources Bank of Suceava;
- 2. Study of the atmospheric-pressure plasma treatment effects on germination and growth of economic-interest plants.
Foto 1. Research activities performed in the Conservation and Molecular Biology Laboratory |