Secondary evaluation of plant genetic resources is a laborious activity requiring additional financial resources and manpower. Therefore, this activity is performed when there is additional funding from national and international projects.
Depending on ongoing projects and existing financial resources to prepare a work plan that includes the species and number of samples to be characterized.
In the last five years, our curators were partners in several research projects that had the basic activities, agronomic and biotic and abiotic stress factors assessment in different plants species, as follows:
- Evaluation of oat genetic resources for resistance against Fusarium ssp.; international project (Avena genetic resources for quality in human consumption, 2007-2011);
- Field experiments and sampling seeds for quality analysis (Avena genetic resources for quality in human consumption, 2007-2011);
- Determination of the maize seed susceptibility to the mycotoxine infection produced by the Fusarium spp. pathogen for the studied populations; national project (Increase of the Use Efficiency of a Main Local Maize Germplasm Fond from Romania, 2008-2011);
- Explore the genetic variability for cold resistance in winter and spring oats by field testing; international project (Avena genetic resources for quality in human consumption, 2007-2011);
- Resistance study of the maize plantlets to low temperatures through the determination of the cold test index; national project (Increase of the Use Efficiency of a Main Local Maize Germplasm Fond from Romania, 2008-2011);
- Identification of some vegetable local populations (tomatoes, peppers and eggplants) tolerant to water stress; national project (Identification of tolerant genotypes to heat and water stress from traditional vegetables species suitable to specific technological system of biologic and conservative agriculture, 2010-2014).