Characterization and primary evaluation of PGR help to identify and describe every accession, undertaking in regeneration plots (self pollinating species) or in separately plots (cross pollinating species).
For each species we use a minimum number of descriptors, created and developed by IPGRI, and sometimes we fill with traits of interest to Romanian breeders.
These descriptors contain information referring to hereditary traits that are independent or less influenced by environmental factors, the result being a quick and easy differentiation between phenotypes.
This activity is essential because provides information about the characteristics of the accessions from collection, ensuring an efficient utilization of conserved germplasm.
Photo 1. Carried out of observations in experimental field of oat samples | Photo 2. Harvesting of oat samples from experimental field |
Till year 2014, Suceava Genebank team, carried out the characterization and primary evaluation of 3241 accessions, belonging to the following 10 species:
Triticum aestivum | 408 samples |
Secale cereale | 21 samples |
Hordeum vulgare | 437 samples |
Avena sativa | 331 samples |
Vicia faba | 288 samples |
Phaseolus vulgaris | 485 samples |
Phaseolus coccineus | 37 samples |
Zea mays | 1083 samples |
Lycopersicon esculentum | 73 samples |
Capsicum annuum | 78 samples |